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Indian baby massage

In this 4 week long class, parents can learn the techniques of the traditional Indian Ayurvedic baby massage, also called Leboyer massage, over the course of four sessions.

Baby massage satisfies the baby's basic need for tender touch, warmth and safety. In addition, the bond between parent and child is positively supported by loving attention, mindful touch, and skin and eye contact. Baby massage also promotes better sleep, can soothe colicky and teething babies and help you to establish a calming routine. Singing lullabies and finger rhymes are also part of the course program, as well as the opportunity to connect with other international families in Valencia. At the end of every session we are going to discuss different topics regarding your life with a baby such as baby's sleep, introducing solids, babywearing etc.
The class is held in English.


Dates: April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2024, 12- 1:30 pm at Blue Morpho Holistic Center, Valencia, Spain
Course fee: 60 Euro
Registration: Whatsapp 601 530 813


Blessingway for expectant mothers in Valencia

A Blessingway is a ritual inspired by the indigenous Navajo tradition to bless and strengthen an expectant mother during this special phase of her life.

In my Blessingway in the beautiful rooms of the Blue Morpho Yoga Studio in Valencia, Spain, pregnant women come together in a circle to prepare for their births and celebrate the transition to becoming mothers together. We create flower wreaths and keepsakes for the birth, let go of fears and express good wishes, share thoughts, sing, breathe and relax together. As opposed to a typical baby shower, the focus here is on the expectant mothers, who can draw strength from the ritual and look forward to their birth.

You are welcome to join the circle, no matter what week of pregnancy you are in. Please contact me if you would like to come with a friend, mother, sister, or other trusted person.

Next date: April 27, 2024, 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Blue Morpho Holistic Center, Valencia, Spain
Participation fee: 35 Euro
Registration: Whatsapp 601 530 813

English prenatal courses 2024 in Spain and Germany

This course for expecting couples aims to prepare future parents for childbirth and the first weeks at home with a newborn. I will guide you through the different stages of labor and the birthing process, breathing and relaxation techniques, physical and mental preparations for birth, options for support as well as the postnatal phases, breastfeeding basics and newborn care essentials.


The course is held in English over the course of two sessions , including a lunch break, and also includes a follow-up meeting after all babies of the group have been born.


May 4 and 11, 2024, 10 am - 4pm at Blue Morpho Holistic Center, Valencia, Spain
Course fee: 190 Euro per couple
Registration: Whatsapp 601 530 813

July 13 and 14, 2024, 10am - 4 pm at Milla Hebammenpraxis, Frankfurt, Germany
Registration:Milla midwife practice

Sibling course in Frankfurt

In this playful birth preparation course for future big brothers and sisters, the children learn together with their mum or dad how a baby is born and what it will then need. With dolls we practice changing, carrying, dressing and stroking the baby and read a story about what it will be like with a little sibling. Then we design a welcome gift for the baby together.

The course is rounded off with songs and movement games and, of course, all older siblings receive a sibling certificate and a small gift at the end.

The course is suitable for children from approx. 2 to 6 years.

Dates: July 12, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m

Registration on the Website of the Milla midwife practice


Birth Nest - online meetup

How do I prepare for a home birth? What do I have to organize for the birth and the postpartum time at home? What experiences have other women had?

These and many other questions may come to your mind as you prepare for your upcoming home birth or a birth in birthing center. Your midwife is available to answer medical questions, but you may wish to exchange views on emotional and practical issues. Perhaps you have already experienced a home birth and would like to exchange ideas with other mothers. For this I offer you together with Kim Zinngrebe from Mutterfly time and space in our online event "Birth Nest - Der Hausgeburtstreff", which takes place every fourth Tuesday of the month from 10:00-11:30. This online meetup is held in German.

Dates 2024: March 26, April 23, May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26



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